Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Ok- so I'll probably pramble on way too long to say that I've had a revelation in the last few weeks. It started a few months back when I discovered a blog - actually acquaintances from, which led me to, which led me to, which may have changed my life in a way. I started reading both woulda and bossy daily. OK, obessively checking them multiple times daily. I love the stories of wouldashoulda's life raising small children, and I love the way bossy writes in general and her treatment of her family history.

I actually went to DC to meet Bossy on her famous road trip. I've been quiet about it so far, but I was blown away. I met a bunch of people who are way too cool for me, yet didn't act that way. And bossy herself is so courageous and brave and an inspiration. I feel stupid for cutting her off in mid-sentence when I saw her Obama button. I don't think she realized the world I live in -surrounded by the religious "right." I saw her Obama button and my mind just went *kapaow* Anywho, check out her blog and read her archives, her family history archives an all comments....then we'll talk.

I felt so scared going to a club in D.C. after school on a Tuesday. Alone. On the metro! I wore heels! And a stupid sparkly sweater! I met a bunch of articulate, funny, nice people -- fair trade.

I felt inadequate sharing our blog: stilltruckin. Not really a blog, but a way to communicate with the women folk in our family. It has been a great experience to write and read our lives. I only wish **we** would write more. Ahem. Nancy, Marianne, Zsuzsi.

Anywho, I found out that blogging has been going on forever, and there is a network of women bloggers and even women bloggers who apparently make moola off their blog! I'm not interested in the money, but the connectivity with other women world wide is historic! Which leads me to my shower the other day....

I was pondering my dorkiness and bossy's coolness, along with shallowgal, vuboq, merrymishaps, and the rest, when as I lathered my wintery leg hair growth for its spring shave: history!

I love history~ I always have - since my very early days here, I have recognized it's importance. I wrote a letter to Nixon when I was 9 about oil and Arabs. If only he would have listened! I tell my students all the time that EVERYTHING has a history. We joke about it, but it is true. I have them tell the history of all kinds of things, and it is fun. So, back to the shower, I thought why not have a blog with a purpose, a theme!!! (Ok, I overheard ALL of the blog women at bossy's gathering)

And such, The History of.... is borne. I love putting e's on the end of things. I have a ton of ideas on which to write...and have started to make a list! Bunions and socks being the only teasers I will leave here. I know I won't have the time or patience (until summertime) to put in pics and fancy fonts, etc. (even videos!) yet, but I have words! Lots and lots of words!


vuboq said...

We like words! Words are good! It was lovely meeting you as well. I can't wait to read about bunions and socks ... hm ... actually, maybe I can.


Cindy said...

What a cool idea. I'm always looking up stuff because I don't know how it came to be or what is it. I have "Interesting Fact of the Day" on my google home page - because, well, I know squat.

So, teach away!