Thursday, March 22, 2007


I am tired of the lifestyle. I work my ass off at work - on the go on my feet all day solving problems answering questions, etc. It's never good enough. And I never finish. I bring home work, but when I walk in to a mess everywhere, I can't face school work. Even reading my book is too much. I sit here w/the laptop, watching TV and perhaps reading. I need spring break in a bad way. I think I need to take a pregancy test. My boobs hurt, I'm off the bc and it would be just my luck to have sex once in a blue moon and it be the one time in 5 years I ovulate. I can't remember my last period. And, it could explain why I am so tired. Candidly, I'll admit that if I am, it is not exactly what we planned for the year we kick K out and into college or real life. I was even hoping for big bye bye trip just me and Scott for a weekend without too much worrying. If its true (doubtful since we were basically infertile and tried treatments, etc.) we'll just have to deal. If its not true, I promise to get on bc.

Why is it taking so long for college notices to arrive?
Checking the mail is getting to be a nerve wracking event.

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